sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Welcome World!!!!

Com muita felicidade venho postar nessa tarde de sábado, relatando o fato que, apesar do pouco tempo de vida do blog, já temos visitas internacionais! Por esse motivo, hoje vou postar um texto em inglês para que o mundo possa compartilhar do conteúdo do blog.

"If you live outside Brazil, please read the following:"

Hello people from around the world. This is the Reflexionários Blog, a place where we can think about our lives, our feelings, our society, and about what is happening in the world nowadays. Here we've got poems, texts, cultural tips, and a lot of other things. The blog is relatively new, and our public is from Brazil, but we are happy because we got visitors from all over the world. So, thinking about you, I'm writing this text to tell that if you are interested in some of our texts and poems, leave a comment and I can translate it for you. Ok, my English may not be great, but it's not that bad. I'll do my best, so you can share your thoughts with us. Greetings from Brazil! Welcome World!

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